A Branch of the British Columbia Honey Producers Association

KBC General Meeting Sept 21 2021 Minutes

KBC General Meeting Sept 21, 2021


Special Reminder! Please register your consent to receive email updates from Kamloops Beekeepers! We are developing a mailing list that will include non-members who wish to keep informed of our Branch activities through a broad-based newsletter that excludes club business. Registrants to this Newsletter Registration are not necessarily members-in-good-standing of the Kamloops Branch of the BCHPA, but can continue to keep contact with the local beekeeping scene. This email Newsletter will continue to be a reputable source of beekeeping information, curated by the Kamloops Branch of the BCHPA. For example, our special guest speakers are made available and paid for through this Branch, so please continue to make these special events available by joining The Kamloops Branch and by registering your consent. Your consent to receive our email is required. Members joining online must be sure to select and check the consent box at the bottom of that registration form! Please register at Newsletter


    1. Call to Order; 6:10 pm via Zoom. Present; of 23 members present, BOD present were Mikael Kjellstrom, Bryce Herman, Duane Robinson, Dave Bruce, Robert Hunter, Lawrence Bergstrand, Gary Martin, Ian Farber, Christine VanSolkema. Absent BOD were Klaus Voss, Nancy Burkholder, Joanne Nicklas. Others were Dr. Dale Hill, Tanisha Annett, Joe and Marg Lomond, Ed Zurawell, Jenna Nicklas, Michel Cheney, Ann Carter, Jim Davidson, Bruce Butcher, Murray Willis, Joe Bogner, Rosmaree, Al/Shirley Wiley.
    2. Agenda; move to accept as posted, m/ Ian Farber, s/Joe Lomond, carried. A report from Frank Blom regarding the Observation Hive at the BC Wildlife Park was submitted to Bryce prior to the meeting.
    3. Minutes of BOD Aug; move to adopt, m/Dave Bruce, s/Duane Robinson, carried.
    4. New Business

4.1) Education Presentation; “Honeybee Nutrition and Wintering Tips”, Dr. Dale Hill U of South Dakota, Sioux City SD. Ian introduced Dr. Hill. The complete video is available on the website at this URL https://youtu.be/QB9m5IsUdOc

Dr. Hill will receive emails regarding questions following his presentation at drdalehill1@gmail.com One suggestion of the many that he left with us, was his recommendation for making feed patties “Crabby Patties” which will be available on the website with these minutes. (link to be added here)

Thank you, Dr. Hill, for a very informative presentation. We suspect that many of your tips will be put to use very soon, with good results appear in the spring!

4.4) Adding Items to Agenda; Bryce explained that any member can put forward items to the agenda by contacting a board member or Bryce, either directly or through the contact page on the website. Likewise, members should note that the Zoom link and meeting schedule are all continuing unchanged and as posted on email notices and the website.

4.5) Face-to-face Meetings; we will continue to hold meetings online under the current PHO guidelines. Vaccination cards will be required for the November General Meeting, should restrictions change.

4.6) BCHPA AGM; On-line October 29th and 30th, free to BCHPA members. Check your BeesCene and /or the BCHPA website for more information.

5. Action Items;

5.1.1) Governance; Lawrence reported no new business

5.1.2) Technology; Mikael reported a lot of developments. Members must register their consent to receive email https://www.kamloopsbeekeepers.com/newsletter/

Facebook and website are continuing to be developed. A Queen Rearing Calendar is to be made available on the website.

5.1.3) Board Development; Gary reported that Tanisha Annett has volunteered to stand for election for Secretary at the November AGM.

5.1.4) Events; no report

5.1.5) Fundraising; no report

5.1.6) Education; Ian requested that members bring forward, to him, their suggestions and/or requests for education topics. The need to build attendance among members for these online education opportunities was discussed, and it is hoped that changes can be made to reach a greater part of our membership for these sessions! Marg Lomond suggested that perhaps a meeting time of 7 pm might allow greater attendance. The video recordings of these sessions are available on the website and the utilization of those recordings should be examined.

5.1.7) Communications; Christine requested that members provide content to her for Facebook and Instagram. Thank you Christine for providing photos to BeesCene of our August Field Day! Regional Rep to BCHPA, Murray Willis, might provide his report as content to Communications Director, Christine, and to Webmaster, Mikael Kjellstrom. A suggestion to mail newsletters to members unable to use internet communications was put forward for consideration.

5.2) Treasurer’s Report; Dave reported that the balance in all accounts remains North of $15 000 and that the BCHPA rebate of $680 has been deposited. Rebates ($10/registrant) to the Branch from the BCHPA, are made if Returning members register BEFORE Jan 31st! Rebates from NEW REGISTRANTS will be made for those registrations made up until June 30th. For the Branch to receive the rebate for any member, the registrant must declare, AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION, that they are affiliated with the Kamloops Branch in their online registration! This rebate remains our primary source of funding for activities such as our educational speaker program and field days.

Dave requests input to Budget 2022 from the Directors, for consideration at the October 19th BOD meeting. To appear on Budget 2022, items must be adopted by the board and be given 30-day advance notice before the November Branch AGM!! Directors must have budget submissions to the Treasurer before October 19th.

5.3) Regional Rep Report; Murray Willis reported that the province has a program of financial relief offered to beekeepers who suffered a loss due to the drought and or fires of 2021. Details are available in BeesCene and on the provincial apiculture and finance websites. The BCHPA AGM is an online event on October 19th and 20th.

True Honey, honey authentication project, under the direction of Peter Awram, is continuing to request samples from beekeepers, for analysis by NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) and inclusion in the database. Murray has the mailing boxes to offer samples (one per producer).

The Technology Transfer Team project of the BCHPA, has hired Allison McAfee as the Leader of the TechTransfer Team. Allison is a Ph.D. from UBC and the Foster Lab with experience from an American university. We are happy to learn that she is considering establishing her home in Kamloops, the home of some of the finest honey in the province!

6. Meeting Dates;

BOD Tuesday, October 19th online as per schedule

Branch AGM Tuesday, November 16th as per schedule

BCHPA Convention 2021 October 29th and 30th (online social!!) Cool!!

7. Adjournment; m/Dave, done. (20 no longer present)

PDF: KBC General Meeting Sept 21 2021

Crabby Patty Formulas

Dr. Dale Hill

As I indicated in my presentation, the formulas that I use for crabby patties are as follows:

For winter feeding (while the queen is not laying from mid-Oct through mid-February in general), I use 90% sucrose (table sugar), 10% pollen substitute or protein supplement (different names, same concept), and enough water to make this sticky so that it does fall out of the Ziploc baggies (4.5 lbs sugar, 0.5 lbs pollen sub, 7-8 oz warm water – mix and place into 1 gallon Ziploc baggies with 2 pieces of wood about 3/4″ x 3/4″ x 3 to 4″).

Late Winter
For late winter and spring feeding, I increase the pollen substitute to 30% and decrease sugar to 70%, and about the same amount of water – then put it into the Ziploc bags.

Since pollen substitutes are typically 40-50% protein, this provides about 4-5% protein during the winter months when bees cannot make cleansing flights, and about 14-15% protein when the queen starts laying eggs.

Too much protein when bees cannot make cleansing flights increases susceptibility to Nosema.