Kamloops Beekeepers Club
General Meeting Minutes, 20 September 2022
TRU, Scratch Café
1. Call to Order: 18:45 ; 18 members present
Board present: Bryce Herman, Duane Robinson, Nancy Burkholder, Ian Farber, Gary Martin, Joanne Nicklas, Trisha Watkinson
2. Approval of agenda: M Ed, S Gary, carried
3. Approval of meeting minutes: M Ian, S Gary, carried
4. New Business:
1. Education presentation: Introduction by Ian Farber
Gary Martin; Building strength in your colonies for greater wintering success
Presentation slides: available on request
2. Presidents Update:
a. Meeting in December will be elections. Bryce will be stepping down as president.
5. Action Items:
1. Presentation of thanks: move to next meeting
6. Committee reports:
1. Governance: none
2. Technology: none
3. Board Development: lots of positions available/need to be filled.
4. Events: none
5. Fundraising: limited number of EPS hives available. $185 for complete hive.
6. Education:
7. Communications: none
8. Treasurers Report: operating account is comfortable with around 12K available.
9. Regional Report:
a. AGM is October 14/15/16 at the Coast Hotel. Volunteers required. Let Murray know if interested and he will coordinate positions.
b. Murray and Gary have sample jars, instructions and information for collecting honey samples.
7. Next meetings:
1. BOD, Tuesday 18 October 2022; 18:30 via zoom
a. Anyone can join in an observation role
b. If there are club business topics that you would like added email to: president@kamloopsbeekeepers.com
2. General Meeting, Tuesday 15 November 2022; TRU, Scratch Café
8. Motion to adjourn: 21:18 M Duane