Governance Committee Governance Committee Purpose: The Governance Committee is responsible for ensuring that the rules and policies are in place, which allow the organizations to function effectively. The Governance Committee will recommend to membership changes to bylaws at the AGM, where changes may need to be made, and will monitor to the actions of the organization to ensure effective governance, on behalf of membership. Goals: To ensure that all Bylaws are reviewed regularly to identify deficiencies and strengthen governance. The Committee shall review, develop, or revise Operational Policies as required to ensure morally, ethically, and legally appropriate actions are outlined. Reporting: The Governance Committee reports to the Board of Directors at each Board Meeting. Membership: Structure: The Executive Committee ideally shall be comprised of a Chair, 2 Board Directors, 2 Members Quorum for this Committee is a simple majority. Appointment Duration: Officers shall be elected for a maximum of one two (2) year term. Tasks and Responsibilities • Monitor the overall governance of the organization. • Review, develop, or revise Operational Policies. • Draft and review board policies, ensuring that they reflect governance best practices. • Coordinate Governance Training with the Board Development Committee. • Ensure meetings are scheduled and minutes or notes are taken. Join Governance Committee? Yes Name: Email Phone How can you help? Background Information. reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Return to the previous page