KBC BOD Board of Directors Mtg #2 Feb 18th 5:30pm 2020
Present; Steven deWitt (Dir), David Bruce(Treas), Murray Willis(Dir), Robert Hunter(Sec), Beverly Masurat(Dir), Lawrence Bergstrand(2nd VP), Bryce Herman(Pres), Oliver Taylor(Dir)
The meeting of the BOD called to order at 5:34pm
Old Business:
1) Appointments; Appointments to positions on the board: President; M/Bev S/Steve; “that we appoint Bryce Herman as President”, Carried. M/Bev, S/Murray, “that we appoint David Bruce as Treasurer”, Carried. M/Dave, S/Murray, ; “that we appoint Ian Farber as Director for a 1 yr term”, Carried. 1st VP; Lawrence declined this appointment.
2) Treasurer’s Report; Signing Authority currently includes David Bruce/Treasurer, Murray Willis, and Ian Farber. M/Rob,S/Dave, “that we pay for ISCU Membership for President and Treasurer if necessary ($10?) and have Bryce change Authorities to include president and drop Ed Zurawell”, Carried. Dave reported that our current balance stands at $14,504.60 with no outstanding cheques. Treasurer’s Report will be posted on website at least twice a year.
3) Registration & Membership; Dave reported that we have 39 paid members for 2020. Oliver explained the current situation as Membership List and MailChimp mailing list are 2 separate records. The need for update of these lists was discussed. Oliver to pursue with Adroit. Membership should be exported at set times to a google sheet or excel spreadsheet.
4) Club Calendar; Currently to be held May 2nd at Lomonds’ for Spring Seasonal Topics; Picnic discussed; Lawrence and Murray to plan these events and inform/provide club communications.
5) Communications; discussion around member lists as in item 2 above; Oliver to change web-linked emails so that Directors and Executive are included in new “BOD/Board of Directors” mailing group,Executive group will continue. There will be a cost as not in current budget to transfer club emails to gmail. Website analytics and sales of ad space on website as linked to Calendar ad sales discussed.
6) Executive Development; M/Oliver, S/Dave, as reported and endorsed by the membership at the January meeting, “that we report development of club re-structuring process at May, September and January general meetings – Carried. Remuneration for executive development and training was not included in the 2020 budget but is deemed necessary, and may be considered under Executive Discretion line item at a future time.
7) Club Assets & Storage; Trailer; Bryce to inquire re. Transfer of ownership to KBC as a registered society(S0001021). Copy of original certificate sent to President and Treasurer. Keys and locks to be returned to Ed Zurawell. Combination locks to be purchased and installed by Rob. Combination to be shared among executive. Dave to inventory contents.
8) Regional Rep to BCHPA; Murray Willis volunteered to act as Regional Rep to BCHPA. This decision was accepted by the meeting and will be forwarded to secretary/treasurer of BCHPA for their consideration.
New Business:
1)Executive Development; the Board members should consider and actively seek members as potential candidates for leadership (committee, board) roles
2) Committees; Seedy Saturday, Oliver and Steve have adopted and seek further help.More under New Business #9. FB & web development discussed under other headings. Fundraising discussed under item 9. Fellowship discussed as “Coffee” item #5 below. Job Descriptions Committee Draft Report was developed at the request of the previous Executive. It contains committee and officer roles and responsibilities to be considered by this Board – not discussed.
3) Education; March Ed Component; options discussed. Murray to make inquiries re guest speaker for March 17th meeting.
4) Field Days; Spring May 2nd discussed under Old Business #4
5) Coffee/Fellowship Committee; Beverly offered to Chair this committee. Funding Coffee Break has been self supporting via cash float process through general accounts.
6) CHC Pollinator Plant publication; Discussion re CHC Pollinator Plant publication; out of print but CHC considering reprint if interest shown (proposed cost; 500/$2500 or 1000/$2800) M/Dave, S/Steve “that we indicate to the CHC/Stan Reist that we would buy up to 50 copies of the CHC pollinator publication for distribution to suitable agencies/groups in our region to support education re pollinator habitat” – Carried
7) Archives; Transfer of files from old website is under investigation. Oliver and Adroit to confirm. Storage to Google Drive is preferable. Access and organization of files are to be determined.
8) Fundraising; There are no major fiscal items being considered at this point. Projects under consideration are currently within the budget. Therefore no major fundraising activity is deemed necessary. On-going fundraising (raffle, coffee, field days, picnic etc) can continue and benefit club as fellowship. Member contributions and effort are necessary to make these possible.
9) Seedy Saturday; Oliver described plan to distribute Bee friendly seeds for a donation. Purchase bulk seeds, seed envelopes and a stamp with club logo (around $80) would be within the budget. M/Dave, S/Beverly “to purchase said items.”- Carried
Adjournment; 8:00 pm M/Beverly Carried